Frequently Asked Questions

Is it really necessary to use a tax relief expert to solve my tax problems?

While you can certainly try to address your issues with the IRS directly, make no mistake: the IRS is not on your side. Plus, the more debt you’re dealing with, the smarter it is for you to at least get a professional opinion. We always offer a free initial consultation, so you can ask us questions and get expert insight — no strings attached. That way, you can make the smartest decision for yourself. And if our expertise isn’t necessary for your situation, we’ll tell you and make recommendations on what you should do.

Can’t my regular accountant help me?

It’s entirely possible your tax preparer or accountant can help you resolve simple tax problems, and it’s worth asking. But for complex tax problems, tax relief experts are your best bet.  The difference between Halo Tax Relief and other tax professionals is that tax relief is the only thing we do.  We are experienced tax telief experts!  Our entire practice is devoted to helping you successfully resolve your tax problems. We deal with the IRS and state tax agencies every day, so we know them inside and out.  This gives you a tremendous advantage.

Don’t I need an attorney’s help?

No, in almost all cases. You’ll generally need a lawyer only if you’re facing criminal charges or need to go to US Tax Court — which happens in less than 1% of all cases. If we believe you should consult an attorney, we’ll tell you.

Shouldn’t I work with a national tax relief company?

Big national firms make a lot of big promises and tell you what you want to hear — even if it’s not true.  So if something sounds too good to be true, we know it usually is. When you call one of the national tax relief firms you wind up talking to a commissioned sales rep whose entire focus is to sign you up.  At most firms the sales reps are trained to sound sympathetic, tell you what you want to hear, and to use your desperation to close the deal.  Once you sign on the dotted line and are turned over to a licensed tax professional who does the work, you realize that what the sales rep said would be possible, was just a lot of hype.  At Halo Tax Relief you will always get straight, honest advice from a licensed tax relief expert.

The interest and penalties alone are so much — can you get rid of that for me?

Absolutely.  As long as you have a reasonable cause for not filing or paying on time, we can help you get relief from penalties – along with the interest on those penalties. The max penalty for not filing on time is 25% and for not paying on time is another 25%. This alone can save you $1,000s.

Interest on your debt, on the other hand, is unfortunately non-negotiable by law. Not to say that the IRS is fair in this case, but if they were to roll back interest, they would essentially be giving interest-free loans… something everyone would want to take advantage of.

Is there any chance I can settle for less than I owe?

Yes.  You may qualify for an Offer in Compromise or Partial Payment Agreement if you don’t have a lot of disposable income, investments, or assets with equity. This is something we look at when we analyze your unique situation.

The IRS is threatening to file my tax returns for me. Isn’t that a problem?

It’s definitely not ideal because they don’t give you all the deductions you’re entitled to.  We can help you prepare and file all your required back tax returns so you can get the best results.

I’m so ashamed about my tax problems; I’m not a fraud or criminal. I don’t want to go to jail, and I can’t believe this is happening to me. How can I fix this awful situation?

First off, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, and you are not alone. All of our clients are struggling with serious tax problems. And many worry about going to jail, but unless you did something illegal like filing fraudulent returns or never paid taxes as a protest, the IRS is much more interested in getting you to pay your debt — not toss you in jail. With our help, you can fix this situation, starting with properly filing all of your tax returns, and going on from there.

Who talks to the IRS once I hire you?

We do. It’s our policy to protect you from having to deal directly with the IRS, which is why we ask for you to grant us the Power of Attorney. That way, as long as we have all of the information the IRS needs, you won’t have to talk to them.

What do I get with my initial free consultation?

You get to speak directly with a licensed tax relief expert (NOT a commissioned sales rep!), who will listen carefully to your story and give you an overview of your options.  If you decide to work with us, we will then develop a customized plan to help you get out from under your tax burden for good – so you can leave your tax problems behind.  And if we don’t believe you need our help, we’ll tell you what to do — 100% free of charge.

Do we have to meet in person?

We can work together however it’s most convenient for you: over the phone or in-person at our offices in either Sacramento or Davis, CA.

Are there any guarantees that everything will work out great?

While no one can ever make any guarantees about how the IRS or California Franchise Tax Board will handle things, we can guarantee that we will work tirelessly on your behalf to get the best deal possible for you.

I’m in so much debt as it is — how can I afford to pay you?

We completely understand your situation, and because we’re tax relief experts, we work tirelessly to reduce that burden and make it manageable for you. Our rates are fair and very competitive, and we can generally work out a payment plan if you need it. We’re here to relieve your stress, not add to it.

How do I get started?

You deserve a partner who cares about your tax relief as much as you do.  Our expert team of IRS experts are here to help you get started with a free, no-strings-attached consultation.

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